Reckoning Game Rules and Policies

Welcome to Star Wars Galaxies: Reckoning. Our community is committed to creating a fair, enjoyable, and respectful environment for all players. In order to maintain this, we’ve established a set of rules and guidelines. These rules are designed to ensure that the game remains fun and fair for everyone. Please take the time to read and understand the following policies.

Account Policies and Rules

1.1 One Account Per Person

On Reckoning, each player is permitted to have one account per person. This helps to maintain fairness and prevents any unfair advantages in-game. Each account can have up to two characters logged in simultaneously. We are very strict about this policy, and any violations will result in penalties.

If you live in a household where multiple players share the same internet connection (e.g., family or roommates), we make exceptions to this rule. In these cases, you are allowed to have multiple accounts from the same IP. However, you must notify us using the Multiple Account Request Page. Simply using the report feature will result in your request being denied. Failure to report additional accounts properly could lead to the disabling of secondary accounts and further penalties.

1.2 Bypassing Bans

If you are banned from the server, you are prohibited from attempting to bypass the ban in any way. This includes creating new accounts or accessing the server through alternate means. If you believe your ban was made in error or you wish to appeal it, you may email our support team at Bypassing a ban will only result in further consequences, including permanent removal from the server.

1.3 Sharing Account Information

We understand that some players may want to share their accounts with friends or family members. However, Reckoning strictly prohibits the sharing of account information for several reasons, including privacy concerns and the potential for in-game issues, such as missing items or credits. If you choose to share your account details, Reckoning is not responsible for any lost or deleted items.

If we discover that an account is being shared without permission or in violation of our rules, we may take action, including disabling the account. In cases of account sharing, Reckoning reserves the right to determine penalties based on the severity of the violation.

1.4 Account Name Reclamation

We reserve the right to reclaim any account name at any time for any reason as deemed necessary by the Reckoning staff. This applies to any name that may be deemed inappropriate or against our guidelines. Players must choose their account names carefully and ensure they do not violate any of the listed rules below.

General In-Game Policies and Rules

2.1 Prohibited In-Game Trading

We strictly prohibit any form of in-game trading for real-world monetary gain. This includes, but is not limited to, soliciting real-life trades, purchasing in-game credits or items for real-world currency, exchanging in-game credits for items or currency from other games, or promoting cross-server item exchanges. The integrity of Reckoning’s economy is essential, and any players found to be involved in these types of activities will face severe penalties, including permanent bans.

2.2 Inappropriate Naming

Names of accounts, characters, structures, guilds, or items must adhere to the following standards:

  • Names should not be vile, profane, or racist.
  • No combinations of words that result in offensive or inappropriate meanings.
  • No references to drugs, drug culture, or illegal activities.
  • No references to historical or religious figures (e.g., God, Jesus, Allah, Satan, Hitler, etc.).
  • Names that are intended to harm the reputation of the Reckoning staff or impersonate a staff member.
  • All capital letter names are not allowed.

Names that violate these standards will be removed or changed by the staff, and the account or character may face additional penalties.

2.3 Exploits, Cheats, and Third-Party Programs

Exploiting, using third-party programs, or any form of cheating that alters the game state is strictly forbidden. If you discover an exploit, it is your responsibility to report it immediately. Failing to do so may lead to penalties. If you are found using cheats or exploits, you will face severe consequences, including potential permanent removal from the server.

2.4 Griefing and Harassment

Griefing, harassment, or actions that intentionally impact the enjoyment of others will not be tolerated. Examples of griefing include, but are not limited to, clone camping, kill stealing, and repeatedly targeting specific players for harassment. The Reckoning staff will review these incidents on a case-by-case basis and impose appropriate penalties based on the severity of the offense.

2.5 Lost or Deleted Items

Reckoning will only restore lost or deleted items in the event of server crashes, database errors, or other issues beyond the player’s control. Items that are deleted or lost due to player error or neglect will not be returned. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your items.

2.6 Chat and In-Game Communication

The in-game chat system is a key part of the Reckoning experience, and it should be used to communicate respectfully. Using chat for any of the following will be considered a violation:

  • Obscene, vulgar, or hateful messages.
  • Threats, slander, or harassment of other players.
  • Spamming or excessive advertisements.
  • Sharing personal real-world information without consent.

Violations of this policy can lead to penalties ranging from temporary suspensions to permanent bans, depending on the severity of the issue.

2.7 General Chat Etiquette

General Chat exists to foster communication and connection within the Reckoning community. It should be used for assistance, advice, and friendly conversation. Flaming, trash talking, or anything that violates the above policies in General Chat will not be tolerated. Persistent inappropriate behavior will result in further penalties.

2.8 Advertising Other Servers

Advertising or promoting other servers, communities, or products through in-game chat, email, or any other medium is strictly prohibited. This includes promoting other Star Wars Galaxies servers or any competing games. Doing so will result in a permanent ban from the Reckoning server.

Specific In-Game Policies and Rules

3.1 Force Rank and “Fight Clubbing”

“Fight Clubbing,” or any form of exploiting the Force Rank system through unnatural means (such as killing characters within your household or using specific PvP scenarios to rank up), is forbidden. If you are found to be engaging in this activity, your account will be suspended. Continued violations will result in harsher penalties, including permanent bans.

3.2 Event Participation and Responsibility

Reckoning staff hosts various in-game events throughout the year. While participation is encouraged, we are not responsible for any loss of items, experience points, or other in-game resources that may occur during these events. Participation is entirely voluntary, and players should be aware that events may result in unexpected outcomes, such as item or character loss.

3.3 Jedi Force Ranking Restrictions

To prevent “Fight Clubbing,” we have implemented a strict policy forbidding multiple Jedi on a single account. This ensures that the Force Ranking system is not abused and that players engage with the system fairly. Jedi on the same account must adhere to specific guidelines to prevent exploitative behavior.

3.4 House and Vendor Policies

When packing up your house, any vendor belonging to another player must be unpacked within 12 hours of packing the house. Failure to comply with this rule may result in penalties or the removal of the house and vendor.

Website Rules and Policies

Account Policies and Rules

1.1 One Account Per User

As with the game server, each user is permitted to create only one account on the website. Accounts from the same IP are allowed only in cases where family members or roommates wish to participate. These exceptions must be made through the Multiple Account Request Page. Violations of this rule will result in account suspensions.

1.2 Bypass Bans

Just as with the server, players who are banned from the website are not allowed to bypass the ban by creating new accounts. If you feel your website account was banned in error, you may email the admin team to appeal the ban.

1.3 Selling or Trading Accounts

Selling or trading website accounts is strictly prohibited. Users found engaging in these activities will face severe penalties, including the termination of the account.

1.4 Account Information Security

It is your responsibility to keep your account information secure. Sharing your password with others is a violation of the rules. If we suspect that an account has been compromised, we will temporarily lock the account until ownership is verified.

1.5 Account Name Rules

Account names on the website must follow the same guidelines as in-game character names. Violating the naming policy can result in the removal of the account name or additional penalties.

Website and Forum Guidelines

2.1 Posting Guidelines

The website and forum are places for players to interact, discuss the game, and share ideas. Abusive, obscene, or illegal material is not allowed. This includes personal attacks, insults, and inflammatory language.

2.2 Spamming and Trolling

Spamming, trolling, or baiting other players is strictly forbidden. Users who engage in these activities will be warned, and repeated offenses can result in a permanent ban from the website.

2.3 Personal Information

Never post personal information on the website without the explicit consent of the individual involved. Violating this policy may lead to severe penalties, including account termination.

2.4 Thread Etiquette

Do not post deleted or closed threads, and do not “bump” threads that have been inactive for more than a month (a practice known as necroing).

2.5 Language and Conduct

Posts on the website must be in English to maintain consistency and clarity. Additionally, do not impersonate a Reckoning staff member or any other person.

2.6 Advertising and Promotion

Advertising any external products, services, or communities is not allowed. This includes the promotion of other Star Wars Galaxies servers or third-party websites.

2.7 Client and Third-Party Software

We support only the official Star Wars Galaxies client. Any links to illegal client downloads or third-party hacks are strictly forbidden. Client-side modding is acceptable, as long as it does not provide an unfair advantage in-game.

2.8 Viruses and Malware

Uploading or linking to files containing viruses or malicious data is prohibited. Attempting to interfere with or hack into the Reckoning website or server is also strictly forbidden.

Note on Rule Changes and Enforcement

Reckoning reserves the right to modify, amend, or remove these rules at any time. Additionally, we reserve the right to enforce rules not explicitly listed, ensuring the harmony and integrity of the server and community. Players found in violation of these rules may face consequences ranging from temporary suspensions to permanent bans, depending on the severity of the offense.

We strive to create a fun and fair environment for everyone, and we appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of the Reckoning community. Thank you for your commitment to making *Star Wars