Category: Updates and Events

  • Ironman Mode Update

    The Ironman settings on our server have attracted significant attention recently, and many players have shared their thoughts and requests. I’ve spent some time revisiting the original Ironman forum posts as well as the ongoing discussions in the Ironman thread. After reviewing the feedback, I’ve compiled a list of changes and improvements that will ensure…

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  • The End of an Era

    When I decided to write this article, Aso had no idea. If you’re reading this, it means he respected my wish to keep it up. For those who don’t know him well, Aso is one of the most private and humble individuals you’ll ever meet. He has always been the type to shy away from…

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  • Celebrate Life Day

    Life Day Is Again Upon Us! The joyous celebration of Life Day is here once again! For those who are unfamiliar with the tradition, Life Day is one of the most significant cultural observances for the Wookiee species, a day when they come together to celebrate life, reflect on their past, and honor their ancestors.…

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